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    当了 Getty Images 摄影师 25 年的 Kevin Frayer 于两年前搬到中国,没意料到会走到一个如此複杂的地方。“中国独特得让人难以置信。”他指这是一个能够创造视觉叙事、有丰富材料的国家。于是他找到一些同样在中国工作的外国摄影师,如替法新社工作的法国摄影记者 Fred Dufour,并开了一个 Instagram 帐号 @eyesonchinaproject 上传他们拍摄的照片,目前摄影师已经增加到至少 19 人。

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    Kevin Frayer 说,以外国人的角度去看中国,对于当地人来说是很特别的,因为他们总能道出一些截然不同的观点,并可以增加讨论的机会。


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    Chinese hostesses rest after a ceremony in a hotel in Beijing city, China. Photographer: Wu Hong @wuhongphoto

    中国北京的一家酒店内,礼仪小姐在一个商业典礼活动后休息。 摄影师:吴宏 #china #hostess

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    Rainy Saturday, a group of middle school tourists just finish their visiting of Tsing Hua university. Tsing Hua is the best science and engineering university in China mainland. Many Communist Party leaders graduated from Tsing Hua, including former President Hu Jin Tao and current President Xi Jin Ping. This famous university turns to a increasingly popular tourist attraction of Beijing.

    周六有雨,一个中学生旅行团结束了参观访问,走出清华大学。清华是中国大陆最好的理工大学,也是多位党和政府领导人的母校,包括前国家主席胡锦涛和现领导人习近平。清华日益变成北京的旅游热点。photo by @lbwsmail

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    Guangxi province, China, 2012. Like many children with autism, Ke Jun has some extremely personal habits, such as mysophobia - he couldn’t touch the leaked acrylic paint while painting. He could also spend an entire afternoon watching trains to go by. Some such behaviours were misunderstood as “quirks”, but they had became a natural and unique way for his family to understand Ke Jun’s inner world. Since 2012, Li Jie Zhang and the Innocent Project focused on artists who have mental disabilities in mainland China.www.zhanglijie.com(Photo by: ZHANG Lijie @vincentsop)

    柯均(自闭症),中国广西,2012。像很多自闭症孩子一样,柯均有一些很特别的小习惯,比如洁癖,画画时有漏出来的颜料,他是死活也不肯碰的,再比如看火车,一看就是一个下午。他的这些刻板行为在旁人看来不可理解,在妈妈眼中却既特别又很自然,是了解柯均内心世界的一种途径。从2012年起,张立洁开始拍摄精神障碍艺术家,尝试着用个人化的摄影语言展现他们独特的内心世界。www.zhanglijie.com(摄影师: ZHANG Lijie @vincentsop)

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    A couple looks at a map during a heavy rain in beijing on July 3

    2015.7月3日,一对情侣在北京一场大雨里查看地图。photo by @freddufour_afp

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    Cupping session at a Sunday market in a eastern suburb of Beijing. Photo by Martina Albertazzi @martinaalbertazzi.


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    During the National College Entrance Examination, parents waiting outside of the No. 7 middle school of Chengdu for whole 2-and-a-half hours, one of them is taking medicine.

    全国普通高考期间,家长们在成都七中外等待孩子考试足足两个半小时,其中一名父亲正在喝药。Photo by @dooooolphin

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    A vendor at a small textile market in Beijing plays with her phone while waiting for customers. Photo by @martinaalbertazzi


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    Serious food safety issues in recent years have undermined Chinese people's trust in food, in a country known for its long agricultural history. Mr. Sun, a former teacher and businessman, is an organic farm owner here in Heilongjiang Province in China. He has a faith in organic farming, which means zero pesticide use and a daily cost of RMB 100 - 200 for manual weeding. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is overseeing the work of farmers in the near distance.

    中国作为一个农业大国,面临严重的食品安全问题。这块土地的承包商孙某曾当过教师、下海做过生意,后皈依,在地里竖了地藏王菩萨。他认为有机农业是解决很多问题的关键,地里不用化肥农药,不杀生,人工割杂草需要每人每天100到200元不等的费用。Photo by @zhounaphoto for Greenpeace

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    Painting of the Xi Jinping in Dafeng village in Shenzhen, where 60% of worlds oil paintings are made. Photographer @matjaztancic


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    A group of tourists visits the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, Hubei province. Floods along the Yangtze are common between the months of June and August. This year's El Nino effect is expected to cause unusually heave rain, and Chinese officials are worried about a repeat of the Yangtze's last large-scale floods, in 1998, which killed 4,150 people. Photo: Wu Yue/Sixth Tone @yuewoo @sixthtone


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    Its kindergarden's graduation ceremony. Kids were crying as the finished there last performance on stage. Farewell my little buddy. Photo by @liuxingzhe

    刘行喆 图 2016年6月,上海,孩子们在幼儿园的毕业典礼上嚎啕大哭,他们即将进入小学。再见,小伙伴们。

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    A vendor waits for buyers beside his dogs for sale in cage at Yulin dog meat festival in Yulin, China's Guangxi. Photo by Wu Hong @wuhongphoto

    中国广西玉林市,商贩在他带来的狗旁边等待买主。6月21日夏至,是当地的狗肉节,当地民众有吃荔枝和狗肉的习俗庆祝节日。摄影师: 吴宏

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    A visitor uses his mobile phone to take a photo of an art work of Chinese former leader Mao Zedong during the exhibition of fine arts works to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party at the National Museum of China in Beijing city, China, 30 June 2016. The 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party will fall on 01 July 2016.

    2016年6月30日,中国北京国家博物馆。庆祝中国共产党成立95周年全国美术作品展上,一个参观者在用手机拍摄一副毛泽东的美术作品。2016年7月1日,是中国共产党成立95周年。Photo by Wu Hong @wuhongphoto 摄影师: 吴宏

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    Members of the Pakistan club in #HongKong pray in a squash court before starting a meal to celebrate #Eid al-Fitr. #China photo @djclarkphoto

    香港巴基斯坦联谊会的成員在开斋节聚餐前一同在壁球场里祈祷。 Photo @djclarkphoto

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    Cleaning up after a flood in Zhengzhou. Much of Northern China has experienced torrential rain over the past week.

    在郑州,洪水以后。Photograph by @christophcherry

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    Internet celebrities are broadcasting a new product release conference in Beijing. According to source,there are more than 25 live boardcasting app launched since the end of 2015 and the number of internet celebrities(AKA:hostess)is more than one million and its just keep growing bigger. @liuxingzhe

    “网红”正在直播一场科技新品发布会。据统计,自2015年以来,有超过25个直播app陆续上线,主播的数量也增长至100万人并且呈现出持续增长的趋势。刘行喆 图

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    A Dancer, dressed with the traditional Yi costume, waits to perform at the Torch Festival, in Xichang, China's Sichuan province. As a result of fast urbanisation in the rural area of China Like Lianshang prefecture, the traditional costume is fading away for the Yi people in dailylife.Photo: @freddufour_afp


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    A man wash his bicycle in the Yong River, Nanning, Guangxi province.

    一位男子在邕江边洗自行车,广西南宁。Photo by @wuhaophotpgraphy■




