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电脑病毒杀手 AVG Anti-Virus Pro v8

    AVG Anti-Virus System功能上相当完整,可即时对任何存取文件侦测,防止电脑病毒感染;可对电子邮件和附加文件进行扫瞄,防止电脑病毒透过电子邮件和附加文件传播;『病毒资料库』里面则记录了一些电脑病毒的特性和发作日期等相关资讯;『开机保护』可在电脑开机时侦测开机型病毒,防止开机型病毒感染。

电脑病毒杀手 AVG Anti-Virus Pro7.5

    AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall集合防病毒 + 防火墙,安全防护病毒、蠕虫、木马、黑客。特点:
    * 在授权期间您将得到免费更新和所有的产品支持。
    * 各大防毒质量认证机构的证明(vb100%,特许秘书、西海岸实验室checkmark)。
    * 24/7 提供技术支持不增加任何额外费用。
    * 基于启发式、NTFS数据流扫描 ,改进病毒侦测。
    * 防火墙的自动切换可以改善安全和可用性。

On the 19th December 2007, the Pubic Beta of AVG 8.0 build 42 was released.

This version is intended only for testing purposes, can be unstable, may contain various bugs and isn’t fully supported. Before installation we recommnend to backup your data.

Installation package: avg80f_42a1225.exe
The download size: 40.8 MB (42,819,000 bytes)
The MD5 hash value: 4c0426f7b60ad4e24eb91b5235f3f0f4

AVG 8.0 main new features and changes:

New components
- Web shield – web content scanner (HTTP and Instant Messaging)
This scanner also includes ExPLabs scanner.
- Anti-Rootkit

Scanning engine
- Completely new scanning engine
- Improved detection capabilities
- New, much more effective, heuristic analysis
- Improved performance
- Reduced system requirements

- Possibility to set scan priority also during testing
- Unified virus and spyware detection

- All scheduled tasks run as SYSTEM
- It is possible to run only one scheduled scan at one time
- Cooperation with power supply facilities
- Improved settings for scheduled tasks

- Program uPDAte is separated from virus uPDAtes
- Faster reaction to specific threats
- Automatic proxy server detection

- Simplified, intuitive and effective navigation
- Merged testing and configuration interface

- Simple configuration for most users
- Advanced and detailed settings for IT professionals

Other features
- Improved support for scanning exceptions
- Button for direct dispatch of suspicious file for analysis in Virus Vault
- Improved synchronization with Windows startup




